APE Model 100 Excavator Vibratory Driver Extractor

The Worlds Largest Provider of
Foundation Construction Equipment

Eccentric Moment 2,200 in-lbs (25.35 kgm)
Drive Force 85 tons (757 kN)
Frequency Maximum (VPM) 0 - 1,650 vpm
Max Line Pull 44 tons (391 kN)
Bare Hammer Weight w/o Clamp 4,840 lbs (2,195 kg)
Throat Width 14.50 in (37 cm)
Length 57.00 in (145 cm)
Height w/o Clamp 56.50 in (144 cm)

There is not a power unit recommended with this specfic hammer. Excavator mounted units are normally powered by hydraulics on the excavator.
Please consult the factory (800) 248-8498 or visit our Locations page for the phone number of the APE branch closest to you.

Specifications may vary due to site conditions, specific hammer conditions or product set up.
Specifications may change without notice.
Consult the factory for details on any specific product (800) 248-8498.

(800) 248-8498