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While driving 130-ft long 30″ diameter steel pipe piles on the West Bay Bridge project near Panama City, Fl., APAC Heavy Division was experiencing much downtime and unreliable performance with a direct drive diesel hammer supplied by one of APE’s competitors.

APAC Equipment Manager, Bradley Briscoe called APE Florida.

A flawlessly prepared APE D-62 diesel pile hammer with an offshore lead set-up was shipped to the jobsite in the Florida panhandle from the APE yard in
Winter Haven, Fl. The APE D-62 not only decreased the driving time per individual pile, but, after driving hundreds of piles, the hammer has had no downtime.
“It starts easily and drives all day” stated Briscoe. These sentiments are echoed by the pile crew which is very happy with the increased production that they are getting.

Once again, an APE diesel hammer proves to be the right tool for a large, high-production project.

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Breakdowns Suck!

When a competiors hammer receintly failed on the job, the contractor made the call to A.P.E. in order to solve his problem.
Another CSX railroad project is underway and Fenton Rigging is once again on the job for them. With the past success Fenton has with American Piledriving Equipment, it was a quick call once again to Wally Brumsey for the solution. In fact, Wally is no stranger to CSX either, having supplied Hammers direct to CSX when they have the manpower keep projects in house.
The A.P.E. D19-42 was made ready and sent on its way to drive the piles. “From now on, we will wait for the A.P.E. Hammer to drive our piles. It is a lot more cost effective to start the job a week or so later than to break down in the middle of driving piles and have to scramble to recover.”
A.P.E. is proud to be the Hammer of choice with Fenton Rigging as well as CSX, and wish to thank them and all of you that have made American Piledriving Equipment your first call in solving your piledriving needs.

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Marathon Seawall

Mr. Randy Culmer will take delivery of a new APE Model 20 Top Drive Auger with a New Tier III APE 260 Power Unit this month. He also purchased 64 ft. of new APE Heavy Duty 26″ Leads. Marathon Seawall is going into the Auger Cast in Place Pile Foundation work that is becoming more popular all over the Sate of Florida. The Florida Keys is a unique area with some very difficult drilling conditions, the APE Model 20 will be perfect for smaller diameter piles to a working depth of 40-50 ft.

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Zep Construction

Mr. Jovan Zepcevski recently purchased a new APE Model 75 Top Drive Auger running from a new APE Model 350 Power Unit, he also purchased a Used J&M Model 416 Vibratory Driver to use with the APE 350 Power unit when it is not in service with the APE Model 75 Auger. This purchase gives Zep Construction more options with less initial expense. I look forward to helping Mr. Zepcevski continue to upgrade his Piledriving equipment fleet in the future.

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One call is all it takes!

What do Tallahassee,Fl. and Atlanta,Ga. have in common? Archer Western and American Piledriving Equipment.
With projects all over the Southeast, Archer Western is no stranger to the business. When equipment was needed for the I-10 improvements in Tallahasee, the A.P.E. Model 200 Vibro was selected.
In Atlanta, the I-85 improvements required the use of the A.P.E. Model D25-42.
Two completely different projects that will require different equipment, with different results, in different states. A.P.E. is proud to partner with Archer Western on these projects.
No matter what or where, one call to American Piledriving Equipment can solve all your piledriving issues.

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What’s the point?

What’s the point of trying to do the right thing every time you make a decision? What’s the point of going out and giving 100% when others are trying to just “get by”? Whats the point? Well, what comes around goes around and in the end you can stand tall and be proud.
Such is the case with Consoldated Mechanical. When asked to drive 60 footers in uncertain soil conditions with a small crane, they looked to American Piledriving Equipment for answers.
It took months of planning and effort to get the infromation needed to try and do this right. In the end the A.P.E. Model 50 Vibro was the chosen both for it’s size and it’s ability to deliver a little more punch if necessary.
Driving the 60 footers with the Model 50 was not an issue. however, 60 feet was not going to be enough. Another 20 feet was added and the pile found it’s mark. The rest of the 80 foot piles went in without issue and in the end, Consolidated Mechanical stood tall and proud, they finished on time and under budget. American Piledriving Equipment was proud to play a part in Consolidated Mechanical’s success.
Big job, small job, first timer, or old timer, A.P.E. delivers the equipment you need and the service you deserve.

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Who you gonna call?

When Georgia Power needed to install an additional pump station at it’s Smyrna Power Plant, they knew it would be no easy task. The jobsite was tight, add to that the stubborn Georgia clay along with layers of rock, and driving the 45-foot, PZ-27’s became even more difficult.
Difficult jobs require the best, so Georgia Power called on Christopher Wilson of American Shoring. When piledriving is an issue for American Shoring, Christopher calls on American Piledriving Equipment.
The A.P.E. Model 200-6 was selected for the job. The result: another successful project for Christopher Wilson and American Shoring. A.P.E. is proud to play a part in their success and looks forward to being there when once again, difficult jobs require the best!

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APE Caribbean

Brothers David & Tony Cooper owners of Marenco LTD of Barbados W.I. recently purchased a New J&M Model 50 Power unit to run this Sand Dredge. The J&M Model 50 Power unit is used in conjunction with a 6” Sand Pump. When they have completed the Dredge work the J&M Model 50 P.U. will be used to Power their recently purchased J&M Model 218 Pile Crusher.
The Coopers once again have shown me you can build a very functional and profitable piece of equipment using what they have on hand and some old fashioned Caribbean Engineering.

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APE Supports Education

When Local 1026 has a Piledriving School, they call on Frank D’Angelo to get things moving.
When Frank needs dependable equipment backed by reliable service, he calls on A.P.E.
American Piledriving Equipment believes it is very important to take part in the education and training of young Pilebucks. By this investment, we help to insure qulified, well trained personnel continue the Pilebuck trade.
A.P.E. is proud to be the choice of both young and old (i mean “experienced”) Pilebucks everywhere!

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“It’s one of those jobs.”

Ed Waters & Sons is one of the most professional and respected contractors in the South. So, if Wayne Waters calls and says “it’s one of those jobs”, you better listen.
When driving criteria, engineering specifications, and job-site conditions don’t come together like they are supposed to (on paper), folks start scratching their heads. This was the case for Ed Waters & Son’s.
The D-19 was driving the piles but getting the blow count and the correct stroke was proving difficult, not to mention hard on the hammer.
The solution: the patented A.P.E. Hydraulic Fuel Pump. The pump allows the operator to adjust the flow of fuel between the standard settings. A good operator (as in this case) can tweek the setting to get an almost perfect finish. In some cases, it is exaclty what stops all the head scratching. Now they are able to drive the piles and easily maintain the required stroke from start to finish
With two D-19’s a D-25, and an A.P.E. Model 50 Vibro working, Ed Waters and Son’s have really gone A.P.E!

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